Company Name: Qwak

Sector: Machine Learning, & Artificial Intelligence

Year Founded: 2020

Location: Tel Aviv

Status: Acquired

Qwak is a management platform for Machine Learning models in production. The platform allows all relevant stakeholders to map, manage, analyze, and observe their live ML models regardless of how they were developed, deployed, or hosted. Acquired by JFrog (NASDAQ: FROG)

The Qwak platform is very convenient for the management of online casino players and is studied in production. This platform freely allows online casino players to display, manage and analyze machine learning models. With Qwak, online boo casino players have the opportunity to gain experience in real-time machine production.

Company Name: Qwak

Sector: Machine Learning, & Artificial Intelligence

Year Founded: 2020

Location: Tel Aviv

Status: Acquired

Qwak is a management platform for Machine Learning models in production. The platform allows all relevant stakeholders to map, manage, analyze, and observe their live ML models regardless of how they were developed, deployed, or hosted. Acquired by JFrog (NASDAQ: FROG)

The Qwak platform is very convenient for the management of online casino players and is studied in production. This platform freely allows online casino players to display, manage and analyze machine learning models. With Qwak, online boo casino players have the opportunity to gain experience in real-time machine production.